Szanty - MIDI

All Quiet Along The Potomac
Amazing Grace
Aura Lea
The Battle Cry of Freedom
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Bonnie Blue Flag
Come All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies
The Cowboy’s Lament
Dixie Land
Down In The Valley
Follow the Drinking Gourd
Go, Tell It On The Mountain
Goober Peas
Green Grow The Lilacs
Home On The Range
I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen
I’m A Good Old Rebel
Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair
Lady Mary
Lakes of Pontchartrain
A Life On The Ocean Wave
The Lily Of The West
Molly And Tenbrooks
My Bonnie
The Navy Hymn
Oh! Dem Golden Slippers
Oh! Susanna
Polly Wolly Doodle
The Red River Valley
The Riddle Song
Rose Of Alabamy
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
When You and I Were Young, Maggie
Yankee Doodle
The Yellow Rose Of Texas
Scarborough Settler’s Lament
The Skedaddler
Stack the Rags (Jig)
The Star of Logy Bay
The Stormy Scenes of Winter
Young Man From Canada
Quadrille acadien
Reel des Éboulements
Reel de Montréal
Reel du pêcheur
Riel’s Farewell
Saint Anne’s Reel
Sally Greer
Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser!
Ŕ la claire fontaine
As I Wandered By The Brookside
Auprčs de ma blonde
The Bad Girl’s Lament
A Ballad of New Scotland
The Banks of Newfoundland
The Banks of the Pembina
La Bastringue
The Battle of the Windmill
The Blooming Bright Star of Belle Isle
Le bonne homme et la belle femme (Reel)
Canadian Boat Song
Canadian Folk 'Overture’
Un Canadien Errant
Cape Breton Jig
Carrion Crow
C’est l’aviron
Chief Douglas’ Daughter
Citadel Hill
Clouds Of The Evening
Do You See That There Bird?
An Emigrant’s Daughter
En roulant ma boule
Farewell to Nova Scotia
A Fenian Song
The Fish Of The Sea
Le Général Dickson
The Ghost Lover
The Grand Hotel
The Greenland Disaster
L’homme ŕ deux femmes
The Huron Carol (Jesous Ahatonhia)
In Canso Strait
An Inuit Lullaby
Jack Was Every Inch A Sailor
Jim Whalen
The Kelligrews Soiree (Lyrics by John Burke)
Lady Margaret
Land of the Silver Birch
The Log Drivers’ Waltz …with the kind permission of the composer Wade Hemsworth
Lord Franklin
Lost Jimmy Whelan
Love is Easy
Lovely Molly
Lukey’s Boat
The Lumber Camp Song
The Maid From Tidehead
My Dear Mary Anne
Montmarquette’s March
O Canada (National Anthem)
Ode to Newfoundland
Ňran Do Cheap Breatainn (By Dan Alex McDonald c1917)
Partons, la mer est belle (Acadien)
Abbotts Bromley Horn Dance
Abide With Me
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Banks Of Allen Water
Barbara Allen
Begone, Dull Care!
Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind Dew
Blow Away The Morning Dew
Blow The Man Down
Bonnie Tyneside
British Man O’ War
Burton Ale
Cherry RipeCome Lasses and Lads
The Cruel War
The Cuckoo
The Cutty Wren
Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron
Dorsetshire Hornpipe
Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
Drunken Sailor
Early One Morning
An English Country Garden
Fair Maid of Islington
The Foggy Foggy Dew
The Girl I Left Behind Me
The Greenland Whale Fisheries
The Greenwood Tree
Gypsy Rover
Here’s To The Maiden Of Bashful Fifteen
Hesleyside Reel
Home, Sweet Home
I Saw Three Ships
It Was A Lover And His Lass
John Peel
The Keeper
The Lass of Richmond Hill
The Leaving Of Liverpool
The Lincolnshire Poacher
Linnen Hall
Lord Franklin
The Miller of Dee
My Boy Willie
The Navy Hymn (Eternal Father, Strong To Save)
The Nightingales Sing
Oh Dear! What Can The Matter Be?
O God Our Help In Ages Past
Oh! Rest Thee Babe
Over the Hills and Far Away
Polly Oliver
The Rakes Of Mallow
The Riddle Song
Roast Beef of Old England
Royal Oak (All Things Bright And Beautiful)
Rule Britannia
An Raibh Tu Ag An gCarraig (Were You at the Rock?)
The Bard of Armagh
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
The Blackbird
The Blacksmith’s Hornpipe (Fisher’s Hornpipe)
Black Velvet Band
Brian Boru’s March
Bridgit O’Malley
The Brink of the White Rock (O’Carolan’s Cup)
Carlionne (O’Carolan’s Receipt)
Cherish the Ladies (Jig)
A Child Of Dreamland (The Gentle Maiden)
The Cliffs of Doneen
The Cliffs of Moher
Cooley’s (Reel)
The Coolin
The Dawning Of The Day
The Derry Hornpipe
The Donegal Jig
Down By The Glenside
Down By The Salley Gardens
The Isle of Innisfree
The Duck’s Leg (Jig… also Known As The Piper’s Chair)
An Emigrant’s Daughter …an old tune
Eileen Aroon
Fainne Oir Ort (Jig)
The Foggy Dew
Irish Washerwoman (Jig)
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye
John Paterson’s Mare (Jig)
The Kerry Dance
The Kesh Jig
Ketty Terrol
Kilgary Mountain (Whiskey In The Jar)
King of the Fairies
The Ladies Dressed In Garments So Green
The Lark In The Clear Air
MacAllistrum’s March
The Meeting Of The Waters
The Merry Blacksmith (Jig)
The Minstrel Boy
Mist On The Mountain (Jig)
Morrison’s Jig
The Old Rambler
Paddy Cronin’s Reel
Paddy’s Leather Breeches (Jig)
Red Is The Rose
Savourneen Deelish
She Moved Through The Fair
Song of the Chanter
The Spinning Wheel
St. Anne’s Reel
The Wild Rover
The Pining Maid / Ships are Sailing / Crowley’s Reel (Reels)
Connolly’s Jig / I’m a Man in Myself like Oliver’s Bull (Jigs)
Auld Lang Syne The original melody
The Atholl Highlanders’ Farewell to Loch Katrine
Baloo, My Boy (Lady Anne Bothwell’s Lament)
The Black Bear
A Bonnet Trimmed With Blue
The Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomond
Bonnie Doon
Bonnie Dundee
Caller Herring
The Cock O’ The North
Coilsfield House
Come By The Hills
Comin’ Thro’ The Rye
Corn Rigs Are Bonnie
Crossing The Minch
Dainty Davie
The Day Thou Gavest
Dumbarton’s Drums
The Fallen Hero
Farewell To Tarwathie
Fear A’ Bhata (The Boatmen)
Fine Flowers in the Valley
Flow Gently Sweet Afton
The Four Marys
The Glendaruel Highlanders
Hail to the Chief!
Harvest Home
Hector The Hero
The Hen’s March
Highland Fairy Lullaby
Highland Laddie
The Highland Troop
Lady Mary Hay’s Scotch Measure
Lamentation For James Moray, Esq. Of Abercarney
Leezie Lindsay
Light And Airy
Lord Macdonald (Reel)
The Lord’s My Shepherd
Macpherson’s Farewell
Mary Bhan Og
Mary Of Argyle
The Meeting Of The Waters
The Mist Covered Mountains
Mo Shuil Ad’ Dheidh
Morag Of Dunvegan
My Love Has Gone To Sea
Niel Gow’s Lament for the Death of His Second Wife
The Piper of Dundee
Steer Her Up And Had Her Gaun
Sweet Is The Lass That Dwells Among The Heather
Sweet Rose of Allandale
Thug Mi Gaol (Solo Piper)
Tramps and Hawkers
Turn Ye To Me
Will Ye No Come Back Again?